gifting & wrapping services

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bespoke giving

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gifting & wrapping services * ˚ ✦ inspiration * ˚ ✦ bespoke giving * ˚ ✦

Happily Gifted by Alice

Hi! I’m Alice Long!

Welcome to Happily Gifted by Alice, where the sentiment of giving is transformed into an inspirational and joyous experience. I’m Alice Long - the creative force behind this vibrant gifting platform. With an enthusiast passion for gifting, I turned my love language into a dedicated platform designed to guide and inspire. In a world filled with endless options and overwhelming choices, Happily Gifted by Alice offers a range of full-service gifting solutions, expert insight, and an energetic community filled with gift enthusiasm, tips and inspiration. I believe that every gift tells a story, and I’m here to help you craft those narratives with care and consideration.

Read More About Alice >

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